Stephen Noonan
Stephen is a performance maker with a diverse practice working in the Theatre for Early Years field. He makes high quality and meticulously crafted original work.
"Stephen has a wonderful rapport with students absolutely brilliant, the students were totally engaged his ability to work across all year levels and with a diverse range of students was exemplary." Port Pirie Primary School.
Stephen is a leading arts educator working in the performing arts across the fields of puppetry, theatre, circus and creative dance. He provides tailor made workshops and artist in school residencies. In South Australia he has undertaken numerous artist in school residencies at Dernancourt Primary School, Belair Primary School, Port Pirie West Primary School, Karcultaby Area School, Elizabeth Special School, and Maree Aboriginal School.
In 2008 his talents were recognised when he was awarded the South Australian Government Education and Arts Ministers Award for demonstrated excellence in arts teaching and leadership in department schools. In 2009 this award saw him undertake professional development at America Lincoln Center Institute for arts education.
"Stephen’s ability to gain and hold the children’s attention was excellent. This was a hugely successful program and was thoroughly enjoyed by the staff and students participating. It was an opportunity for our students to develop new skills, have fun and develop their creativity." Dernancourt Primary School.
Stephen performs regularly in schools with his solo shows Rock the Hula and Paul and Pinto. Rock the Hula a fast paced contemporary circus performance incorporating slapstick. Paul and Pinto is a beautiful puppetry performance about a man, a dog and learning to say goodbye. This performance incorporates rod and shadow puppetry.
Both performances are combined with a workshop where students are introduced to the skills they see in the performance.
Click here to download more information about ‘Rock the Hula’ (PDF, 717kb)
Click here to download more information about ‘Paul & Pinto’ (PDF, 332kb)
"His strong artform knowledge combined with his teaching skills enabled him to make work accessible and meaningful to the students." Gawler High School